Holiday season Em Grebner Holiday season Em Grebner

Episode 44: Merciless Mastodons & Slippery Slopes- Cranberry

Curious about how the heck cranberries made their way to your holiday feast AND medicine cabinet? We’ve got answers to those, and other questions you didn’t even know you had on this week’s episode. We’ll dive into massive mastodon dictatorships, ancient cliff bars, and so much more! Whether you know cranberries as a fruit, medicine, or music group, you’ll want to tune in.

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potion miniseries, halloween episodes Em Grebner potion miniseries, halloween episodes Em Grebner

Episode 40: Vampiric Vulgarities & Wicked Worms- Garlic

This week we continue our potion mini-series with everyone's favorite Allium- Garlic! We'll dig in to all of the history you're hoping for and then some...everything from real-life vampires, piggish party crashers, and anti-parasitic palate cleansers. If you like episodes heavy on history AND science, this one is for you!

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Em Grebner Em Grebner

Episode 26: Ancient Aspirin & Wood-Knocking Origins - Willow

This week we dig into a plant that’s heavy on the witchy folklore- Willow! We’ll be covering everything from the perfect way to express your post-breakup angst (not bangs) to how an ancient goddess tricked a man into swallowing stones instead of his son… it’s a bit of a wild ride, but one I am sure you’ll enjoy!

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Em Grebner Em Grebner

Episode 23: Anti-Plague Perfume & Festive Flooring- Rosemary

This week we are digging into Rosemary- a plant that makes everything better from your holiday meals to the symptoms of the bubonic plague. If your favorite episodes include wacky medical history, weird beauty products, and wild old-timey methods for finding love, this one is for you!

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Em Grebner Em Grebner

Episode 19: Oxford Mints & Lover’s Hints- Caraway

Get ready to chase all your CARAWAY on this week's episode of Rooted... We are digging in to the history of Caraway, its culinary and cultural uses, and the impact it has on your gut & garden! Be sure to tune in wherever you get your podcasts.

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