Not to brag, but we have some pretty cool friends….

Check out the other shows we’ve collaborated with:

  • I Love This Thing So Fricking Much

    “I Love This Thing So Fricking Much” is a podcast about passion hosted by Sophie Katz. I was a guest on the show for Season 2 Episode 1: Em Loves Plant History! You can also catch Sophie on Bonus Episode 2 of Rooted!

  • FrennDiagram

    FrennDiagram is a podcast where two long-distance friends, Remy and Kat, catch up and find similarities between their newest media obsessions. I was a guest on Episode 40 of their show, and you can catch them on Bonus Episode 3 of Rooted!

  • Something (rather than nothing)

    Why is there something rather than nothing? This podcast is a philosophical and psychological exploration into the act of creation (poets, musicians, writers, painters, thinkers, all of us) by: Ken Volante. You can catch Ken in Bonus Episode 4 of my show, and He’s the reason Episode 18 exists!

    You can catch me on Episode 195 of SRTN and again on the “Swamp Thing Rather than Nothing” Panel

  • Tea Time Oddities

    Tea Time Oddities is a podcast exploring the strange and the unusual throughout history. Danielle is a lovely host, human, and dear friend of the show! Be sure to check out the pod if you like all things weird, wild, and a little spooky!

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