Em Grebner Em Grebner

Episode 23: Anti-Plague Perfume & Festive Flooring- Rosemary

This week we are digging into Rosemary- a plant that makes everything better from your holiday meals to the symptoms of the bubonic plague. If your favorite episodes include wacky medical history, weird beauty products, and wild old-timey methods for finding love, this one is for you!

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Em Grebner Em Grebner

Episode 14: Brainiac Babies & Sips of Spring

This week we are digging in to the sweetest (and most fleeting) bloom of spring- Lilacs! Whether you like the show for folklore, science-y fun facts, or Florigraphy facts, this one has a little bit of everything.

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Em Grebner Em Grebner

Episode 07: Buttery Butts & Sea Foamy Flowers- Roses

This week on the show we are digging in to roses! With a colorful history and bright future, it's no wonder this flower is a favorite of gardener's and scientists alike. If you like ancient scandal, folklore, or archaic enema methods, this episode is for you!

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