Holiday season Em Grebner Holiday season Em Grebner

Episode 44: Merciless Mastodons & Slippery Slopes- Cranberry

Curious about how the heck cranberries made their way to your holiday feast AND medicine cabinet? We’ve got answers to those, and other questions you didn’t even know you had on this week’s episode. We’ll dive into massive mastodon dictatorships, ancient cliff bars, and so much more! Whether you know cranberries as a fruit, medicine, or music group, you’ll want to tune in.

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Em Grebner Em Grebner

Episode 14: Brainiac Babies & Sips of Spring

This week we are digging in to the sweetest (and most fleeting) bloom of spring- Lilacs! Whether you like the show for folklore, science-y fun facts, or Florigraphy facts, this one has a little bit of everything.

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